Tuesday, November 25, 2008

For it is you who put me in heat

It is always (and only) you
who turn me on
It is always (and only) you
who turn me on
With your first touch
and your icy caress
When you brush against my lips
your windy tresses
As you glide by
giving me
When in your bosom I am
and hid is the sun
As warm vapours escape
my open mouth
And your musky mist
does me surround
It is you indeed who make me hot
And every year put me in heat
Oh, the coolest, my very own,
My very own
The winter of Delhi!

22nd of November 2008

Wrote it while studying the Wasteland, i guess when "winter kept us warm" and after having read a poem someone linked me to: You bring out the UP wali in me